How much loyalty exists in the ERP business? More than you might think, according to a new survey by ERP software provider Epicor. However, that loyalty only lasts so long in the fast-changing world of cloud ERP, SaaS solutions, and digital transformation, it found.

Epicor’s Industry Insights Report 2022 sheds some light on the state of the ERP industry, in particular the manufacturing segment where the Austin, Texas-based software company is most prominent.

One of the more interesting findings in the report, which was released earlier this year, concerned the level of loyalty that ERP customers feel toward their ERP provider.

Surprisingly, 90 percent of the 1,350 technology decision makers that it queried for the report stated that they either “strongly agree” or “somewhat agree” that they feel loyalty to their ERP provider. By comparison, only 9 percent said they “somewhat disagree” with that statement, and only 1 percent strongly disagreed.

Firms in the United States and the United Kingdom led the way in this technological solidarity, with 44 percent of companies in these markets strongly agreeing to the statement that they are loyal to their ERP provider. Australian and New Zealand companies – the other main segment of the user based surveyed – showed a bit less loyalty, with only 28 percent agreeing.

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