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Best practices for navigating risk in challenging times

Inspiring Principled Performance is core to what we do at LRN. It embodies our commitment to helping people around the world do the right thing, and our understanding of what makes ethics and compliance (E&C) programmes truly effective in that mission. Welcome to our 2023 Ethics & Compliance Programme Effectiveness Report. This report provides insight […]

NEVA real-time process guidance for Financial Services

Bringing People and Robots together In this video, we will demonstrate how NEVA guides the contact center agent through the ‘changing loan terms’ process, and automates their routine activities. By optimizing the loan extension request, using NEVA, the bank was able to: Watch Now

Enlighten XO: Accelerating Digital Transformation

Businesses are spending 100 times more on live service than on self-service, but when self-service channels are not working, customers are becoming frustrated. Digital channels are becoming customers’ preferred interaction points, a trend has that only accelerated with the pandemic. In 2020, according to Forrester Research, U.S. companies saw “enormous increases in self-service and digital […]

Evolve and Thrive: Rethinking HR Service Delivery

Explore how and why HR service delivery is evolving and how your business can adapt its services strategy to improve employee experience, reduce case management load, and modernize HR technology. In this eBook, we define HR service delivery, explore different service models, and explain how analytics and personalization improve the employee service experience. By the […]